Friends of NDMC

The friends of the North Devon Music Centre are led by a committee which forms the governing body and the trustees of the charity.


Chairman:  Rob Norris

Secretary:  Richard Croker

Treasurer:  Jenny Moulton

Commitee Members: Andy Pearce, Jo Moulton, Richard Coates, Simon Jones



Whilst we have a wonderful committee who work very hard and to whom we are a very grateful, we are always on the lookout for parents, family members or just those of a helpful nature who might fancy coming along to lend a hand with some of the jobs that need doing! Some of the things you might expect to be helping with are:

  • Selling tickets, programmes and refreshments at concerts
  • Stage management
  • Running raffles
  • Fund raising.

If you share our conviction that music making is a priceless experience for young people, we would welcome your support and friendship. Please contact us if you might be able to spare a little of your time to help us at concerts, might consider joining our committee, or could be involved in fundraising activities.

Council Funding

North Devon Music Centre is supported by:


Latest News


We're back on Wednesday 8th January 2025!


New members please CLICK HERE to complete a registration form



You can keep up to date with our activites by following our Facebook page.


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© North Devon Music Centre